Central Province Science and Technology Park was selected as the country's environmental technologies secretariat
According to a decree by the Deputy Minister of Technology and Innovation of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, the Science and Technology Park of Central Province was selected as the Secretariat of Environmental Technologies of the country
In the letter of the vice president of technology and innovation of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology to the head of the Central Science and Technology Park, it is stated: due to the valuable records of that park in the field of environmental restoration, according to this decree, the Central Science and Technology Park is selected as the secretariat of environmental technologies of the country
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دستاورد های فناوران استان مرکزی در معرض دید نمایندگان مجلس شورای اسلامی قرار گرفت
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جمعه 19 بهمن 1403 - 11:02
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پنجشنبه 18 بهمن 1403 - 12:02
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شنبه 13 بهمن 1403 - 15:02

برگزاری بیش از ۱۰ عنوان برنامه در دهه فجر انقلاب اسلامی در پارک علم و فناوری استان مرکزی
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شنبه 13 بهمن 1403 - 14:02